Saturday, 5 May 2012

How did it go?

Overall I have felt quite disheartened towards the end of the convergence/divergence project. Time and technology have both been an issue in different ways.

After effects is a program, that has endless possiblities providing you have the skills to use it. However, I think I was far more concerned with how I was going to get the intend of my learning agreement across in my screen based animation rather than realising the potential of after effects. It was only when I came across the 'write on' tool  a couple pf weeks ago that I realised this was the way forward for my animation. - the ability to make my drawings appear as though this is how you see the landscape. Although now, I don't think the message really comes across as well as I would have liked.

By the time I had realised what my animation was going to look like, it was almost to late to start and do what I really wanted to do. At the beginning of the project I was enthusiastic about the project, but as time went on, I felt that the idea had become stale in my mind. Ideally, I would have like to have spent more time working on the animation and utilising more of my initial ideas that I just didn't have time to do.

Although this has not been a strong project for me, I do feel as though I have got the hang of after effects a bit better to utilise drawing in my work through the idea of 'moving focus' in a screen based form.

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