Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Final Video - A Journey through the Peak District
So here it is, the final animation. I am working on making the quality better.
Monday, 7 May 2012
Working method
Light box set up - paper laid over the photographs
glossop panning view tester
This is another tester that I did to explore using the panning tool in after effects. I would have liked to have used the write on tool m this particular image, but it would have too time consuming in the time available.
Sunday, 6 May 2012
First render
Here is the first renders of a more finished looking animation. There are a few tweaks and changes I need to make, but they can be easily resolved. I still need to sort the sound effects out.
Saturday, 5 May 2012
How did it go?
After effects is a program, that has endless possiblities providing you have the skills to use it. However, I think I was far more concerned with how I was going to get the intend of my learning agreement across in my screen based animation rather than realising the potential of after effects. It was only when I came across the 'write on' tool a couple pf weeks ago that I realised this was the way forward for my animation. - the ability to make my drawings appear as though this is how you see the landscape. Although now, I don't think the message really comes across as well as I would have liked.
By the time I had realised what my animation was going to look like, it was almost to late to start and do what I really wanted to do. At the beginning of the project I was enthusiastic about the project, but as time went on, I felt that the idea had become stale in my mind. Ideally, I would have like to have spent more time working on the animation and utilising more of my initial ideas that I just didn't have time to do.
Although this has not been a strong project for me, I do feel as though I have got the hang of after effects a bit better to utilise drawing in my work through the idea of 'moving focus' in a screen based form.
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
snake pass
Here is the snake pass write on test. I will eventually overlay onto the brown paper and apply a camera to the image.
first edit of beginning and film overlayed
Above is the tester video with the beginning section and film over layed onto the brown paper. The video quality is not great, but I it doesn't hinder the effect that I wanted to capture.
mam'tor sign test
An animation tester of a write on effect image i've been working on. As the image is too small for the dimensions of the animation screen. I will have to take another look at how to make this image work in the animaiton
Saturday, 28 April 2012
Drawing test - write on
The short clip above is an animation tester, that I have been working on in after effects using the 'write on' to animate my drawings as oppose to just masking them out. It is a similar process to stop frame animation, as the frames that make up a drawing appear every other frame (12fr/s).
Friday, 27 April 2012
title for animation
The video above is how I am going to start my animation. The map face looks quite authentic and adds to the rugged look of the animation. Although, I still need to sort the timing out and take out some of the long gaps that are currently appearing.
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Video Edit Snippets
This is the edit that I have edited from the previously posted 15 minute film. It summarises the general journey that I went on.
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Drawn images
Here are the images compiled from images I took from the journey. At first glance, they appear to be quite abstract, but collaged together, I think that they could be animated in a way that would complement their simpleness.
Sheep rotobrush
The clip above has made use of the 'rotobrush' tool in after effects. I do like the aesthetics of this tool, but it is a time consuming process that I don't want to take any further, as it doesn't communicate what I want to say effectively enough.
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Experimenting with drawing
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Composition images
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Aphex Twin 'Rhubarb' acoustic soundtrack
This track by Aphex Twin really enforces the ambient mood and tone that I am trying to create. It is quite a simple calming sound that progresses over a short period of time. I have also created sound effects that I think will compliment the soundtrack.
Map Scans
I quite like the generic look of the typeface for the peak district (above), and is used consistently in maps. I will perhaps use a variation of this typeface in my animation somehow.
Glossop is where the journey starts and ends, so I feel it is quite important to make reference to this, as well as the date I took this journey (8th March 2012 13:30-4:30)
High Peak is the highest point in the Peak district as the name suggests. On the day I went on this journey, the weather was too bad to access this point of the Peak, but I think it would still be interesting to reference it.
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Kate Miller - Collaged Landscape
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Julien Grey - 'Forgetfulness'
I like this animation by Julien Grey particularly for its simpleness. The of shape and colour have allowed the piece to flow as a whole. The hand made aspect of this animation is also quite effective, as it gives a sense of directness that the viewer can relate to.
My favourite elements are they maps, lines and birds, which have used clever animation devices that allow the animation to flow. My work currently is not doing this, as I have been far too focused on the different potential ideas. I need to decide what I am going to show and realise how I am going to show it.
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Swiss Zine - Lo Straniero
Friday, 30 March 2012
story board of edited film
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Bill Viola talks about his childhood landscape building techniques...
Yeah, I invented this planet that was inhabited by humans and of course aliens, I forget the name of it... oh it was called "Clamph" and I started drawing the landscape of it, in a kind of a horizontal almost oriental scroll like way, and I kept adding with sticky tape more and more sheets of paper, until I was out at about ten feet and then I had the great idea, if I do say so myself, to end the landscape on the final sheet and make it identical with the beginning of the landscape on the first sheet and I wrapped them around and put the last piece of tape together.
I found this excerpt from an interview where he spoke about the use landscape and its horizontal appearance
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
the light

Sunday, 18 March 2012
David Hockney Exhibition

Michael Dudok De Wit
glossop map tester
I created this short animation of the map of Glossop, in hope that it would aid the transitions of the animation and give an indication to the viewer of where the film was taking place. In reality, I don't think the map was clear enough, and it didn't really add anything to the film.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
The laughing Badger

- If you're trying to capture a landscape, do a series of drawings, paintings etc...
- The landscape is about shape and colour and form, and it is always changing and this is one of the main characteristics of the Peak that attracts people tp it

Katy Dove Melodia, 2002

''Dove’s interest in how film and animation foreground a temporal rather than solely visual relationship with the viewer, and in doing so, ‘embrace the increasing temporalisation of the image which has shaped modern visual practice from the invention of cinema to the spread of the Internet'' |
bird fight - sound effects
Concertina Sketch Book
Monday, 5 March 2012
Zarina Bhimji - Whitechapel exhibition

Saturday, 3 March 2012
Friday, 2 March 2012
6 principles of Chinese painting
2. Bone method via Calligraphy and painting (they are seen together)
3. Correspondence to object SHAPE and LINE!
4. Application of colour
5 Placement and arrangement, composition, space and depth
6. Transmission
Saturday, 25 February 2012
'Ways of seeing' - John Berger (1972)
- The meaning of a painting has now become transmittable and can be manipulated and transformed.
- Paintings/images are modified when sound is accompanied to it
- Words you notice consciously
- Music is more subtle and can work with an image almost without noticing it - music and rhythm change the significance of the imagery.
- Details of images can be cut to fit the music
- Camera movements help to tell the story and selected details are presented to you.
- In a film sequence, the details have to be selected and re-arranged into a narrative, which depends on unfolding time. In a painting, there is no unfolding time.
- When images are re-produced, they become a form of information, which is being continually transmitted - and the meanings of the image are interchangeable and ambiguous
- Images can used by anybody for their own use.
The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled
The way we see things is affected by what we know or believe
We only see what we look at. To look is an act of choice
We never look at just one thing; we are always looking at the relation between things and ourselves
An image is a sight, which has been recreated or produced. It is an appearance, or a set pf appearances, which has been detached from the place and time
Every image embodies a way of seeing. Even a photograph – our perception or appreciation of an image depends also upon our own way of seeing.
When an image is presented as a work of art, the way people look at it is affected by a whole series of learnt assumptions concerning: Beauty, truth, genius, civilization, form status, and taste etc.